SCARA 2022 Events Update

Dear SCARA Member,

So far this year there have been 3 regional events and from comments received it is clear that you like to read the reviews and see the photos even if you were not able to attend the event yourself. So this is a reminder to keep an eye on thePONLHeritage website where SCARA news and reviews are published by Mike Chapman often with additional photos. And also remember to check out Captain Ken Owen's memories which make interesting reading.

The SCARA email message sent to all members which included the Golf Event Review and a selection of photos was not successfully delivered to around 30 SCARA members whose service providers rejected the message due to size issues. However, if you did not receive the message sent on 1/6 then please keep an eye on where the review, together with photos, will be published soon.

AND just in case you haven't put it in your diary yet , the Annual SCARA Reunion has been booked for Thursday 17 November in Great Portland Street, London

Full details will be sent closer to the time..........SAVE THE DATE.

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary
