
The calendar below holds dates for current events and the anniversaries of significant events for P&O Nedlloyd and its parent companies.

Featured Events: 2024

OCL/P&O Birmingham Reunion

Date:  Saturday 09/11/2024 

(1pm onwards)

Venue: The Old Contemptibles,  176 Edmund St, Birmingham B3 2HB

The Annual SCARA Reunion

Date:  Tuesday 12/11/2024

Venue:  ISH Conference Centre (International Students House), Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5PN


SCARA East London Curry Night

Date: TBC

Venue: London

North East SCARA event

Date: TBC 

Venue: Leeds

Are you holding an event involving former colleagues from the company in 2024 or 2025?  If you are then we'd really like to help you promote it with a listing here  

Please email details to

Featured Events: 2025

SCARA Golf Day (the Rose Bowl Challenge) 2025

Date: TBC

Venue:  TBC

SCARA Essex Reunion Lunch 2025

Date: TBC 

Venue: TBC

SCARA Southampton Curry Lunch 2025

Date: Thursday 24 April 2025

Venue:  Everest Cuisine, Southampton

Venue information

15th International OCL Bay Boats Reunion (Sea Staff)

Date : TBC

Venue: TBC

North West SCARA event 2025

Date:  TBC

Venue: TBC

The Annual SCARA Reunion 2025

Date:  TBC

Venue:  TBC

Birmingham Annual Reunion 2025

Date: TBC

Venue: TBC

Blue Funnel Middies Reunion

Date: TBC 

Venue: HQS Wellington, London