Southampton reunion April 2024
The third SCARA reunion in Southampton took place on Thursday 18 April. With the success of last year's curry lunch, there was a return to Everest Cuisine and the restaurant (which is close to Dock Gate 4 and just a few minutes walk from our old Dukes Keep and Richmond House offices) again didn't disappoint!
In total we had 49 former colleagues, partners and family shared memories and had a catch up on recent events. A tribute was also paid to Julian Bevis who had led on the organisation of the first reunion in 2022 and had worked with Jim Baxter on the 2023 function. Julian sadly passed away last December and was much missed on the day.
We had a first for a SCARA reunion at this event with two former colleagues from the USA! Chris and Nancy Pinto who had worked in the East Rutherford and Santa Ana offices found that their UK holiday coincided with the event so jumped on a train from London to join us. Proof positive that we were a global company and remain a global community of friends, despite 18 years having passed since P&O Nedlloyd ceased operation following the Maersk takeover.
Photo right: A toast to Julian, led by event organiser Jim Baxter
Another highlight for this year's event was a table of memorabilia which had been donated by Ian Thompson for sale in aid of SCARA funds. Robert Woods also added to the collection on the table with a box of company-branded mugs. A big thank you to Ian, his wife Joanne and Robert for their generosity.
Thanks were expressed to Jim for organising this year's event (and a big thank you to Annie for again manning the reception desk).
The feedback from the day has still to be analysed but as this is a growing and popular event, it seems extremely likely that we will be returned to Southampton in 2025!
Chris Anthony
Mary Anthony
Amanda Atherton
James Baxter
Annie Appleyard
Dawn Beardmore
Tony Beardmore
John T Blackmore
David Brace
Marilyn Braendeholm
Peder Brandenholm
Peter Brown
Tony Butt
Mike Chapman
Malcolm Coomer
David Cross
Gwynedd Davies
Peter Davies
Jenny Dyer
Simon Dyer
Dave Everly
Freda Forse
Colin Frederick
Nick Gaden
Denise Gaden
Malcolm Hurdidge
Deana Joyce
Gary Joyce
Geoff Lock
Susan Lock
Alison Loftin
H John Loftin
Tony Mason
William McLaughlin.
Victoria McLaughlin.
Chris Pinto
Nancy Pinto
Janet Phillips
Vicky Revill
Jerry Rickcord
Michael Seymour
Jacki Sisson
Richard Sisson
Les Swindells
Richard Thomas
Ian B Thomson
Joanne Thomson
Ed Van Dorp
Robert Woods CBE
Thanks go to everyone who provided the photographs that accompany this report, including Susan Lock along with Nancy and Chris Pinto. A selection are shown above and in the 'image carousel' on the right.
To see the full set, please go to the PONL Southampton April 2024 Google Photos album (if you would like to see the names of the attendees in the pictures contained in the album, please click on the 'i' for information in the top right-hand corner of the screen).