SCARA Update December 2020

Post date: Dec 09, 2020 4:27:29 PM

Dear SCARA Member,   

We hope this message finds you safe and well, a bit harder now that winter is here, and managing to stay positive while we see off this horrible virus.

Since the last update in August, the SCARA Committee held a virtual meeting when Mike Seymour formally resigned as chairman of SCARA and handed over the reigns to David Cross. Mike was invited and has accepted the role of vice president and will of course keep a keen interest in the future of SCARA.

You are now represented on the SCARA Committee by:

Our new Chairman, David Cross, has the following message for the membership.

"As this horrible year draws to a close I'd like to let you all know that the Committee and myself are very keen to ensure 2021 is a much better year for our SCARA group, all of us. Hopefully the much talked about vaccines will allow us all ‘out’ again next year and with that thought in mind our plans for SCARA in 2021 are taking shape. As well as the Annual Lunch on 18 November 2021, please put in your diaries now!, we also plan to have a 'near London' event in the Spring and, all being well, a North West event in the Summer time.

Finally a word of sincere thanks, on behalf of us all to Mike Seymour who ceased being Chairman at the end of October. He has led SCARA wonderfully well for the last 11 years and on your behalf I'd like to thank him. A milestone birthday and the desire to do other things led to this and I will endeavour to match his stewardship and we will all continue to be part of a flourishing SCARA and not to let our OCL, P&OCL and P&ONL heritage disappear."

In our last message we did asked what members had been up to during the restrictions forced on us all and we got some very interesting feedback.

We close by wishing you a Merry Christmas and all the very best for a Happy and Healthy New Year from your Chairman and Committee.

SCARA Membership Secretary

Belinda McCormack