SCARA update August 2020

Post date: Aug 10, 2020 7:4:46 PM

A garden, 2020 Reunion, SCARA Committee, SCARA Golf Day, local social events, industry news & keeping in touch...     

Dear SCARA member,      

We hope this message finds you keeping well and in good spirits.     

So many things put on hold and missing contact with family and friends but has social distancing given you the opportunity to get some of those outstanding jobs off of the ‘to do' list?   Our gardens do seem to be benefiting from the extra TLC but if you have anything interesting to share with us please do let us know.

Committee Member Peder Braendeholm for one has been working on garden improvements including this sparkling new greenhouse.     Very impressive....

SCARA Annual Reunion 2020 / 2021

Not unexpected but we are now confirming that the 2020 SCARA Annual Reunion has been postponed.  The booking for this social event has been carried over to 18 November 2021 so please put the date in your diary!

SCARA Committee

Mike Seymour has announced that he will be standing down following the 2021 annual reunion after 12 years in the post of SCARA Chairman.  Mike is an excellent Chairman and we will all miss him but the good news is that David Cross will succeed him and has already joined the committee in readiness for that time. 

Additionally, we were very pleased to welcome Eleanor Grady and Mary Anthony (nee Costelloe) onto the Committee in July this year.  


The SCARA Golf day planned for 19 May 2020 has been rescheduled for 6 October 2020.  Adrian Malupa and Roger Brown have already advised those who had signed up for the event but if there are any new comers who would like to take part please do get in touch.  The event will be held at the Bentley Golf Club, Brentwood, Essex.

Local Social Events

We are looking into possibilities for organising informal, outdoor get-togethers but have nothing to report at present.  However, if you are organising anything for the future in your local area and would like to open it up to SCARA members please let us know and we would be happy to circulate details on your behalf.

Industry News – Article compliments of David Cross

As many of you will know Liner shipping plays an increasingly important role in international trade and commerce.

The UK now handles,

Keep in Touch

As you know, in line with data protection guidelines, we no longer distribute the membership list but if you are looking to get back in touch with someone whose details you no longer have let us know and we will see if the person will allow their details to be released.  Requests should be sent to

Thinking of you and wishing you all the very best at this difficult time.

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary