Memories and photos of Beagle House

Post date: Feb 18, 2016 9:30:59 PM

Further to SCARA message of the 29th January please find below a special request from James Baxter on behalf of SCARA Committee.   

Dear SCARA member,


Call for Memories and Photos of Beagle House.


You are no doubt aware that Beagle House is up for redevelopment, and that SCARA are holding a ‘Farewell to Beagle House’ event, in conjunction with Maersk, on the 15th March.  There will be a reception in the evening, at which it is proposed to display photographs of Beagle House over the years, and memories from those people who worked there since its opening in 1974.


If, therefore, you have any photographs of Beagle House, and/or people who worked there we would love to have them for display on a continuous loop video.  Additionally, do you have any special memories of your time at Beagle House, or of visits you made there?  They might be anecdotes of the people who worked there, memories of the bar, the staff restaurant, the 8th floor dining room, meetings, your first day, etc, etc.  For example does anyone remember the filming of an episode of the old TV series Hot Metal in the 1980s?


Photos can be fuzzy or pristine, anecdotes short and sweet, or a few good sentences.


So please dig out the photo albums and haul up the memories, and send them by email to me, at, as soon as you can. 


Thank you very much, and we look forward to your memories of Beagle House.


Jim Baxter

Obo SCARA Committee.

See also:

Farewell to Beagle House (now Maersk House)

(Please note that the event is now timed for 1730-1930 on Tuesday 15 March).

Last few weeks for former London HQ