Farewell to Beagle House (now Maersk House)
Post date: Jan 30, 2016 9:23:26 AM
With just a short time to go before Maersk House is emptied and the site redeveloped, Maersk have agreed that we can use the venue to meet for one last time. So if you have fond memories of your time in Beagle House and would like to come along please note the date and time. The invitation is open to SCARA and non-SCARA members.
Where: Maersk House
When: Tuesday 15th March 2016
Time: 18:00 to 20:00
Please note that the event will not be subsidised and any beverages will have to be paid for.
For Maersk Building Security reasons it is essential that anyone attending this gathering email David Charlesworth (d.charlesworth@a-mesc.com) by Wednesday 9th March to confirm their attendance. A complete list of all attendees will have to be submitted to Maersk Security prior to the event.
Belinda McCormack
SCARA Hon.Sec.
See also: