Ted Nichols & Alan Brewer

Post date: Oct 17, 2017 7:25:15 PM

Dear SCARA Member,

Sadly we have been advised of the recent loss of two of our Membership.

Jackie Worwood writes:  'I am writing to inform you that my dear dad, Ted Nichols, passed away on 10th October after a short illness.  He didn't quite reach his 94th birthday (21st October).   Dad had not attended the SCARA reunions for the past few years, but he was a regular attendee for a number of years.  He had such a fantastic memory and was still so mentally alert, amazing for 93!  He had fond memories of his days at OCL/P&O, Barking and Beagle House.' 

The funeral will take place on Tuesday 24th October at 2.30pm at Tonbridge Parish Church, Church Lane, Tonbridge TN9 1DA and afterwards at Rose & Crown, High Street Tonbridge TN9 1DD

If anyone wishes to attend the funeral would they please email Jackie at jackie.worwood@yahoo.co.uk.

June Brewer has also kindly written to tell us about the death of her husband Alan Brewer who passed away on the 29th August, 2017.  Alan worked in the Insurance & Claims department in Beagle House and would have been well known by many SCARA members.

Kind regards,

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary