Southampton 15 Sep 2022 event cancelled

Dear all,

As you are doubtless aware we are now very close to the scheduled date for the curry lunch arranged for September 15th in Southampton. Sadly though, we have in the last few days seen a number of people who previously had indicated that they would come, telling us that for perfectly understandable reasons they now cannot attend. We have also seen a very slow response to our request for payment even from those who have confirmed . Now, as a final nail,  it is confirmed that the 15th is one when the rail unions have decided to go on strike. 

All this means that we will very likely be well below the attendance numbers that we indicated to the restaurant.

So, sadly, we have decided that, as many people are not likely to be able to make it, even though they have said they would like to come, the best thing is to cancel this event and to re-fix it for a later date.  Then, hopefully, there would be fewer conflicting considerations. We have accordingly told the restaurant that we will arrange another date. 

For those of you have already paid (and thank you for your prompt payments), we will refund those payments, if you could advise Mary Costelloe of your bank details, please.  

We are very grateful to those who have indicated their interest even though they might not have been able to attend for whatever reason.  In response to this latent support for such a function we will without doubt make a plan to arrange something in the near future, perhaps in the Spring.

In the meantime, please don’t forget that the SCARA national event is on November 17th in London so if you are able to come, rail unions permitting of course, we will be delighted to see you then. 

Thanks again for your support, and our apologies for this change of plans but we will be back with some more ideas soon.

Enjoy the tail end of summer wherever you are. 

With very best regards.

Julian and Jim
