SCARA Leeds 2025 event invitation

During 2024 SCARA held a number of very successful regional events around the UK.  Well now it’s the turn of the northeast with an event in Yorkshire...                                                                                                               

We are very pleased to announce a SCARA buffet lunch in Leeds on Sunday 16 February from one o'clock (13:00 in new money!)  The venue is The Box at 15 Infirmary Street in Leeds City centre , 7 minutes' walk from the railway station and with postcode LS 1 2JS. 

Over 20 members and guests have already committed to this reunion, and we would welcome other colleagues to this event.   All we need if you'd like to attend is your names by noon on Thursday 13 February 2025.  

The cost of the buffet meal, which will be in a private room, will be under £20 and can be paid on the day.  

To advise your intention to attend, please email by 12:00 Thursday 13/02/2025.

2025 sees SCARA turn 20 years old so if you are in the area then please try and attend and help celebrate this milestone birthday!!

Leeds containerbase in the 1980s [image courtesy of Peter Ongley]

Situations vacant advert - Daily Mail 30 November 1970

This of course isn't the first reunion event held in the area...    In 2013 Peter Wigglesworth kindly provided a report on a gathering in Leeds in December 1998 which was attended by 19 former colleagues: 
