SCARA Golf Day for Lady St Johnston's Rose Bowl Trophy
Post date: May 30, 2017 9:8:12 PM
Yet another great and successful day at this year's challenge for the Rosebowl.
Once again held at the Bentley Golf club in Brentwood Essex, the venue once again did not let us down, Course in fine condition and food was its usual fine fare.
This year’s Fair Weather was sponsored by David Fairweather…just as well Adrian invited him as it was glorious, there was factor 50 being rubbed in everywhere, as well as the usual Voltarol and Deep Heat for all the Ageing joints.
Thanks to the SCARA coffers under Geoff Sharman’s safe keeping who kindly sponsored the Bottles of Wine trophies, as well as Neil Longman (Guest) from Kuehne + Nagel who kindly sponsoring 4 dozen golf balls, last but not least of course our thanks to our own Lady St Johnston’s very kind donation of a personal family Heirloom, the Silver Rose bowl, which we fight for each year.
Most of the usual reprobates turned up, although the car park was a “Vauxhall Cavalier” short of being full, in that Ian Malcolm decided to sun himself in the USA….either that or he has joined the USPGA Seniors Tour???
Once again Adrian “always the Bridesmaid, Never the blushing Bride” Malupa was bemoaning a Squirrel must have molested his ball and strategically placed it at the bottom of a tree on the last. This action stopped him from being a New name on the trophy, instead of the “Serial” Rose Bowl Champion Mike Shoesmith ;-)… however to be fair Mike’s 36 points off of his club handicap was a very good score on the day, especially with the Greens being “like lightening” in the morning and slowing up in the afternoon.
Peter Taylor won the Guests Competition.
We look forward to hosting the 9th Rose Bowl next year.
Adrian and Roger