SCARA Annual Golf Event 2023
We were shocked and saddened by the untimely death of Roger Brown earlier this year. Roger was co-founder of the annual golfing event and is dearly missed by friends and colleagues.
Roger's lively, sometimes controversial and always humorous accounts of how the day progressed were very much looked forward to and enjoyed by the SCARA membership.
This year, as appropriate, we have just a brief summary of the day as provided by Adrian Malupa.
SCARA Golf Day 18 May 2023
The day was very well attended by 32 players including SCARA members and guests.
During the morning welcome speech by David Cross it was mentioned how the passing of Roger Brown will affect our Society as he was such a huge part of our lives both in his career and his role as a friend of many.
The day progressed and after a close battle the results were as follows:
Winner: Steve Gawler
2nd Place: Alan Malcolm
3rd Place: Nigel Chew
Roger's wife Jackie and his son Billy came along later to present the Lady St Johnstone Trophy and other prizes.
Steve Gawler made a touching speech about his memories of Roger and thanked everyone for their support and encouragement during this difficult time.
Adrian Malupa
Overal competition winner Steve Gawler together with Geoff Marchant who was the guest winner
Belinda McCormack
SCARA Membership Secretary