SCARA Christmas Message 2021
As Christmas is fast approaching and it is already early December, I wanted to send a short
message to everyone. 2021 has been another year dominated by Covid and its associated
problems and we were very lucky that we managed to hold our annual lunch in London in
November, together with local reunions in Liverpool and Birmingham earlier in the year.
From the comments that I have received people who attended these events enjoyed
themselves and look forward to coming again next year, when we hope to arrange more
regional events, hopefully in Manchester and Southampton, as well as our lunch in London.
The three events we managed to hold attracted just under 200 SCARA members. That is
over a third of the membership. Going into 2022 and beyond the Committee and I are
determined to get more of our membership involved. As we all get older, shorter distance
travel becomes more appealing for the majority, hence the attention to more regional get
togethers. We are also exploring greater use of a “Facebook” type website which works
well in other parts of the world. We will keep you advised of progress and if anyone has any
ideas or suggestions about how to make our SCARA better, please do not hesitate to contact
me or the committee.
On a more lighthearted note, the picture of me beside my car shows how seriously I am
taking my new role!
Finally, I should like to wish everyone in SCARA and their families a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
David Cross
December 2021