Blue Funnel Reunion Event Report
Dear SCARA Member,
We are very pleased to share the link to the Blue Funnel Reunion Event Report written and published by Mike Chapman for the ponlheritage website.
Mike tells us that, "a small number of ex-OCL/P&OCL/PONL and/or SCARA members were invited by Ken Owen and Ian Thomson to a Blue Funnel reunion last week on the HQS Wellington in London. For their first get together back in 2003 the participants had all been midshipmen on one of their company training ships but over the years the list has broadened to include other Blue Funnel sea staff, and now those with an interest in the sea (so for this year one of the attendees was Michael Grey, former editor of Lloyds List). They also have strong links with the Honourable Company of Master Mariners and the Southampton Master Mariners Club (the Cachalots)."
And as some of us will know, Blue Funnel was one of the original OCL founding companies, so this may be of particular interest.
Belinda McCormack
SCARA Membership Secretary