SCARA 2022 Schedule of Events

Dear SCARA Member,

In addition to our annual SCARA reunion planned for November 2022, we are pleased to advise that we now have 3 smaller events planned for March, April and May this year. We are looking forward to announcing more events later in the year and to hearing about any local events being organised by members / colleagues.

1. WHAT: Halal Restaurant Curry

WHEN: Monday 28 March at 18:30 (meet in Hoop & Grapes from 17:00)

WHERE: Halal Restaurant, Alie St (2 St. Mark Street, Aldgate, London E1 8DJ)

Those with memories of Beagle House will no doubt also have memories of the ‘other’ canteen at the Halal on Alie Street. Much has changed in Aldgate since we left – but the Halal goes on for ever. One big change is that its gone ‘dry’ and you have to buy your alcoholic drinks at the local Sainsbury’s. Food remains as good as ever.

David Charlesworth is organising an impromptu and informal return to the Halal on Monday March 28 at 18:30 for a nostalgic curry and Beagle chat. If you fancy going, please contact him soonest so we can prewarn the restaurant of what is coming their way! Plan is to meet in the Hoop Grapes any time after 17:00 for pre-curry drinks.

2. WHAT: SCARA Regional get-together SOUTHAMPTON

WHEN: Thursday 21 April 14:00 - 16:00

WHERE: The Duke of Wellington, (private room), 36 Bugle St, Southampton SO14 2AH

(Access: Southampton Station – approx. 15 minute walk or a bus to Stop SF and a 4 minute walk.

Nearest Car parking: Gloucester Square Car Park – Paying. Other carparks within easy walk.)

Julian Bevis and Jim Baxter are organising a SCARA Regional Get-together in the Duke of Wellington pub in Southampton on Thursday 21 April. A separate room, referred to as the ‘back-room-bar’, has been booked from 1400 to 1600, but one can always continue in the bar afterwards. There will be a free welcome drink (beer, wine or soft drink) on arrival to help chivvy things along. The pub serves food if some would like to partake of lunch there beforehand.

If you would like to go along, please drop Jim Baxter an email to give an idea of how many are likely to attend. Additionally, anyone who knows of other ex-OCL/POCL/PONL employees who might not be aware of this get together but would be interested in going along, please share details of the event. NB: Partners welcome.

3. WHAT: SCARA Golf Day

WHEN: Thursday 19 May

WHERE: Bentley Golf Club, Brentwood, Essex

Adrian Malupa and Roger Brown have booked the Essex venue for what has become a much looked forward to event in the calendar. Anyone wishing to book a place please contact Adrian Malupa.

4. WHAT: The Annual SCARA Reunion

WHEN: Thursday 17 November from 11:30 - 16:00

WHERE: Park Crescent Conference Centre, Great Portland Street, London

Full details will be sent later in the year..........SAVE THE DATE.

We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible please at these first three events for 2022.

All the very best,

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary

[Note: The email version of this announcement which went out direct to members contained the contact details (email addresses and/or phone numbers) for the organisers.  If you did not get that email and want to register your interest in attending any of the events listed above then please contact]
