Other SCARA dates
Post date: Aug 27, 2018 10:11:13 AM
1. OCL/CJT get-together
When: Tuesday 11 September 2018 12:00 – 15:00
Where: Change of Horses, 87 Farnborough High Street, Orpington, Farnborough, Kent BR6 7BB, UK
Description: Jean Treloar will once again be hosting the get-together at the 'Change of Horses' in Farnborough High Street (Kent) from midday on Tuesday 11 September 2018. Please note future date: 8 January 2019
When: Saturday 10 November 2018 from 1pm
Where: The Square Peg Corporation Street, Birmingham
Description: Craig Bowen has sent notification about this planned reunion.
Dear SCARA Members,
Two more reunions / get-togethers that may be of interest to you. Please note that there is no need to book, just turn up on the day.
Belinda McCormack, SCARA Membership Secretary.