NZSCo Reunion

Post date: Jul 06, 2021 6:27:15 PM

Dear SCARA Member,

We are pleased to circulate the following message on behalf of Capt Roger Blake, President of the New Zealand Shipping Company Association.



It is hoped to have a reunion in March 2023, for all previous employees/partners, to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the formation of the New Zealand Shipping Company.

Membership of the New Zealand Shipping Company Association, or Durham Association is not required.

As we are all in the more senior time of life, and long distance traveling becomes less comfortable, perhaps a twin venue event, one in the UK, and one in NZ would be more appropriate. This would need of course, an organising team at both ends.

It would involve a weekend of events with the main feature being the Celebratory Luncheon.

Could you please let me know, by return email,   if you would be interested in attending this event, and in which country. Venues and costs would be calculated, once we have some idea of the numbers, and whether it would be a single or double venue event. Please also advise, if you would be happy being in the organising team.

If you know of anyone who worked for NZSCo, who might be interested in attending, please forward this email on to them.

Kind regards,


Capt Roger K Blake.  M.Mar.(Rtd)

President.  New Zealand Shipping Company Association.

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary