Ken Merchant

Post date: Apr 07, 2020 11:40:35 AM

Dear SCARA Member,    

Very sadly we have been advised that Ken Merchant and his wife Joan died on Thursday 2nd April.  The following message has been received from Barry Williams.

"I am very sad to advise that Ken Merchant and his wife Joan both died today (02/04/2020) from Coronavirus.

His son, Mark, telephoned to let me know that they died in beds next to each other in hospital having been admitted on Monday.

As you know Ken worked initially in Liverpool for OCL and then took on a senior management role in London and Rotterdam for P&O and latterly P&O Nedlloyd.

He has been a lifelong Liverpool football supporter and a member of Essex Cricket Club."

This sad news has already reached some people and it is clear that many of us have fond memories of Ken.  There is likely to be a memorial service when it becomes possible but in the meantime we offer our sincere condolences to the family.

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary