Jenny Pugh

Post date: Apr 18, 2013 9:48:23 PM

We were very sorry to hear of the recent death of Jenny Pugh.  Jenny was not a SCARA member but will be known to many of you.  Colin Frederick has sent the following.                                    

We have recently received the sad news that Jenny Pugh passed away on Thursday 11th April, 8 months after having a heart transplant operation.

Jenny worked for P&OCL/PONL at the Southampton Terminal and Import Offices during the 90’s and 2000’s, and more latterly worked part time for Maersk. She retired only very recently and was then diagnosed with a heart complaint. She spent a number of weeks in Southampton Hospital waiting for a heart transplant, before being transferred to Papworth where the eventual transplant was seen as a success. It is so sad that she did not get to enjoy her retirement with family and young grandchildren. 

Anyone who knew Jenny will agree that she was one of the most infectiously happy people you are ever likely to meet. She was always able to put a positive spin on any situation and nothing was too much trouble. I was fortunate enough to know and work with Jenny for many years. Some of her family members also worked with us at P&O, and her daughters and grandchildren are a credit to her.

Our thoughts go out to her husband Stuart, Daughters and Grandchildren and other family members.

She will be greatly missed.

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Hon.Sec.