Ian Dickson

Post date: Apr 21, 2020 7:11:50 PM

Dear SCARA Member,   

We are grateful to Michael Woods who has sent the following message concerning the death of Ian Ian Dickson who was a well known character known to many of us.    

Michael writes,    

"I had news today that Ian Dickson died on Friday 17th April at home.

Whilst Ian had never been a visitor to the SCARA functions many people will remember him in the OCL, Belfast office. Ian was around at the time of the very first container vessels and was a well respected person within the local Shipping Industry. He started in W.E.Williames as agents for OCL and we became a Line office around 1986 and remained so for about 10 years before being sold back as an agent again in 1996. Ian worked as Operations Manager and transferred to Maersk in 2006. He eventually left and worked for the BG Freight Agency in Belfast before his retirement. He was a great character and will be sadly missed by all who knew him." 

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary