Dream team...

Post date: Oct 26, 2017 7:16:35 PM

We've received then following news update from SCARA member Roger Brown about a reunion between four former members of the Barking sales team:

   Probably the Hardest working Sales Team ever- the Fab 4 from Box Lane Barking region, who called on Freight forwarders back in the 70’s and 80’s. Sales Manager Ralph Langstaffs men were Chris Parker, Steve Bowen Roy Smith and Roger Brown.  The four met up due to a fleeting visit to the UK by Chris Parker who is now an Australian. It’s a well worn phrase but the boys all agreed “we probably worked at the best time in Shipping and for the best Company in OCL/P&O Containers,it was sad to see its demise in our lifetime

Kind regards,

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary