Dave Warner

Sadly we have received news of the recent death of Dave Warner.  Our thanks to Mandy Atherton for notification and tribute to Dave who died 23rd June 2024.

Sadly, I am writing to inform you of the unexpected death of Dave Warner, a much loved friend and colleague at the Southampton office. Dave passed on 23rd June 2024. Dave worked in shipping and forwarding for many years before joining POCL at Southampton Terminal in the late 90’s, as part of the Terminal Liaison team. Dave met and married Pam (nee Burch ) when all Southampton staff were consolidated from various sites into Compass House on the Ordnance Survey site in 2002. They enjoyed a very happy 20 years together. Dave passed, leaving Pam, as well as his son James, daughter Laura, stepdaughter Jo and stepson Neil. He was a grandad to 6 grandchildren who all adored him. 

Dave was a joy to work with and made many close friendships as a result of those professional relationships. He will be sorely missed by the Southampton team and both he and Pam both enjoyed the SCARA lunches in recent years, particularly since his retirement 7 years ago.

Dave & Pam Warner at the April 2023 reunion curry lunch in Southampton

Jim Baxter (SCARA Committee) also comments, "I have been greatly saddened in reading this wonderful tribute to Dave Warner from Mandy Atherton.  I can only concur with Mandy, he was a lovely man, always cheerful, and nothing seemed to faze him.  It had been great to catch up with him and Pam at the reunions over the last couple of years."  

We offer our sincere condolences to Pam and all the family for their loss.  

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary
