Dates for your diary
Post date: Jan 03, 2019 2:55:24 PM
Dear SCARA Member,
There will be a number of opportunities to get together throughout this coming year including the Annual SCARA Reunion, the Golf Challenge Day, and other smaller gatherings organised locally such as were held in London, Liverpool, Birmingham and Kent during 2018.
If you are planning a reunion or have other news you would like to share with the SCARA Membership then please forward the details for circulation and for posting on the PONLHeritage website.
The following are the 2019 events we currently have dates for, others will be circulated when known.
1. OCL/CJT get-together: 08/01/2019
Jean Treloar will once again be hosting the get-together at the 'Change of Horses', 87 High Street, Farnborough, Kent BR6 7BB from midday on Tuesday 8 January 2019. Confirmations or cancellations can be made to Jean on 01689 852040.
2. Golf Challenge Day: 14/05/2019
The Golf Challenge Day will take place on 14 May 2019 at the Bentley Golf Club in Brentwood. Please contact Adrian Malupa to book your place (
3. The Annual SCARA Reunion: The Annual SCARA Reunion has been booked and will take place on Thursday 7 November 2019 at the Park Crescent Conference Centre in London. A little way off but please put the date in your diary. May I also encourage you to take a look at the gallery of pictures posted on PONLheritage for the 2018 event - it was a lovely day.
And lastly, your Chairman and Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Belinda McCormack
SCARA Membership Secretary