Dates for the diary / Reminder

Post date: May 03, 2018 9:8:58 PM

Dear SCARA Member,   

Just a few dates / reminders for opportunities to get together.    

1.  OCL/CJT get-together 

When: Tuesday, 8 May 2018 at midday

Where: Change of Horses, 87 High Street, Farnborough, Orpington, Kent, BR6 7BB.

Description: Jean Treloar will once again be hosting the get-together at the 'Change of Horses' in Farnborough High Street (Kent) from midday on Tuesday 8 May 2018. 

Please note future dates: 11 September 2018 and 8 January 2019

2. A Spring Get Together 

DATE: Wednesday 16th May 2018

TIME:  From 5:00 pm

VENUE: The Magpie, New Street, London EC2

This informal gathering has been arranged by some of our SCARA Committee Members. You can sign up by logging into the PONL Group on Facebook or you can just turn up at the specified date and time. It is completely informal and you do not have to be a SCARA member to go along.  So please "spread the word" to friends and ex colleagues and we look forward to seeing you there.

 3.  Bentley Golf Club-SCARA, OCL and Shipping friends Golf Day 22nd May 2018

 If you are interested in this event and have not yet registered please contact Adrian Malupa asap  ( (mobile 07870 429207)

BENTLEY GOLF CLUB Ongar Road, Brentwood, Essex CM15 9SS   

Cost £48 per person

Arrive for Coffee and Bacon rolls at 09:15am

First Group Tee Off at 10:15 for 18 hole Individual Stableford Competition Full Handicap 

There will also be a Longest Drive and a Nearest the Pin Competition.

Prize giving for members and guests during Dinner at 4.30pm approx. 

Buggies are available to be pre booked direct with the club at extra cost. 


4. SCARA 2018 Reunion

The 2018 reunion will take place on Thursday 1st November at the Park Crescent Conference Centre.  Full   details will be sent later in the year.

Kind regards

Belinda McCormack

SCARA Membership Secretary