Ann Guirey
Post date: Jan 20, 2021 7:23:33 PM
Dear SCARA Member,
Very sadly we have received news from Ann Guirey's husband Gerry of her death on Thursday 14 January 2021.
Gerry writes,
"I am very sad to inform you that my dearest wife Ann passed away on the 14th January 2021. She had been unwell for some time but then got covid19. We both did but she was too weak to survive it. Thank you and her colleagues for your friendship to her over many years. She really enjoyed the get togethers. Her funeral will be on the 5th February and of course due to restrictions we are limited to numbers attending and will therefore be streaming her funeral online. We will be sending out orders of service cards to anyone who would like one so that they may join in the celebration of her life. Details will be available on request."
The attached photo, taken at the 2019 reunion, shows Ann (in the red jacket/black coat) with her dear friend Rosemarie Cast.
We offer our sincere condolences to Ann's family.
Belinda McCormack
SCARA Membership Secretary