Adrian Tucker - Some recollections
Post date: Jan 14, 2021 8:2:7 PM
Following the sad announcement about Adrian Tucker’s passing, we had the following note from Geoff Robbins:
'Tom' and I go back to the very beginnings of OCL in the SE Region office in 122 Minories - just over 50 years...!! I came from P&O in Dec 1968, and Tom joined from US Lines in Jan/Feb of '69, just in time to set up for the first sailing of Encounter Bay. I have attached two very faded copies of photostats taken from the then company magazine ....
1st Lower photo shows SE Region Freight Office in April 1969, with Tom left foreground. Peter Davies is opposite him talking to Les Gooding. (I am behind Peter with my back to him) How many of the others in the photos do you remember ?
2nd was sent from unknown person in B'Ham office just after the sports day held up there in May/June '69, and is of the SE Regions 5-aside footy team. L-R 'Tom' Tucker, Jim Paddon, Me, Clive Barrett, and Tony Ramm (he didnt stay long, but the rest of us stayed for years...)
Belinda McCormack
SCARA Membership Secretary