A radio officer's career in pictures
Post date: Feb 11, 2013 10:51:37 PM
Former 2nd Officer (Radio) John McKay has recorded his career at sea online using a series of photographs.
John's sea service with OCL, P&O Containers and P&O Nedlloyd spanned the period 1975-1991 and his website has a page for every ship he sailed on. He was on the Remuera when she was renamed Remuera Bay, and the Tor Bay when the container vessel was in collision with the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Southampton. John (who apparently was known by some of his shipmates as "Mayday McKay"!) was also on the Falmouth Bay when she had to send out a distress message when power was lost in a storm while on passage from Busan to Los Angeles.
John's pictures include Encounter Bay class vessels in OCL green with white topping, and an immaculate white Aotea. The photographs of the damaged Tor Bay and HMS Southampton can only be described as chilling.
www.3peaks.org.uk/Nautical/Nauticalhome.htm records one man's career at sea, but his photographs show a life which will be recognised by many.